Gym X-Treme offers preschool and recreational gymnastics, tumbling and cheer classes for boys and girls. Classes meet once a week from 40 minutes to 115 minutes depending on the age, skill level and class type. Each week, our instructors follow a lesson plan geared toward a skill sheet specific to the class.
Continuous Enrollment
With our continuous enrollment, you may register for classes at any time! Your enrollment begins the next time that class meets. Monthly tuition is pro-rated based on your start date. Classes fill on a first to sign up basis.
New members must enroll online or through our app (all policies and participation waivers are electronic). If you are already in our system, you may enroll through the Portal Login or through our app. Class transfers must be processed through our office staff.
Tuition & Fees
Monthly Tuition: | Discounts: |
Annual Family Membership Fee: $50 |
Frequently Asked Questions
With our continuous enrollment, you may register for classes at any time! Your enrollment begins the next time that class meets. Monthly tuition is pro-rated based on your start date. Classes fill on a first to sign up basis. Unfortunately, we cannot hold a spot for future enrollment.
If you are registering on a waitlist, we will contact you when the opening is available to confirm your enrollment start date.
App Enrollment:
*ALL Members (new, current, and previous) can enroll through our app (found in your app store for iPhone and Android).
Online Enrollment:
New Members – Enroll Online
New members must enroll online (or through our app), as the participation waiver and policy agreements are paperless and completed during the enrollment process. We are unable to enroll you through the office.
Current or Previous Members – Portal Login
Current or previous members may enroll by logging in to the portal (or through the app). Transferring to another class day or type cannot be done through the portal login. Please call or stop by the office after class to transfer.
At this time, most of our classes are full, but we do monitor the waitlists closely. We highly recommend adding your child to the waitlists for the classes that can work with your schedule. Each time there is a class opening, we contact the next student on the waitlist. We will contact you when your spot becomes available.
It is difficult to predict how long it will take from the time you register on the waitlist until there is an opening. You may waitlist on more than one class and we will call you with the first available opening. Please do not add your child to waitlisted classes that will not work with your schedule.
Yes, we offer 10% off your child’s second class and 20% off your child’s third class. Siblings receive a 10% discount off monthly tuition.
Please review our Makeup Policy (found on this web page below the FAQ section).
If you would like to suspend your enrollment, please fill out a form with the office by the 15th of the month to avoid being charged for the following month’s tuition. If you do not complete this form by the 15th, your child will remain enrolled and tuition fees will not be refunded.
A valid credit card is required for registration. Your credit card will be charged initially upon enrollment (once reviewed for any adjustments), and then on the 1st business day of the month thereafter. If you wish to use another form of payment, your payment must be received before the 1st business day of the month to avoid the auto-pay process. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, checks and cash.
Yes! You may take advantage of our Referral Rewards as often as you like! Receive a $20 referral credit for each new family that you send our way. You may redeem multiple referral credits at the same time. (So, if you refer 4 families, you will earn $80 toward your recreational class or team tuition payment!) Referral credits are valid toward tuition only. Credits are awarded after the new family completes the registration and payment process.
If you have a question or concern, please do not interrupt a class. You can speak with your child’s coach after class, see the office staff, or call us at 740-549-3547.
Procedures for Absences & Makeup Classes:
Absences & Makeup classes are submitted and scheduled through our app or the parent portal only.
Submitting Absences
In order to be eligible for a makeup class, absences must be submitted in advance through the app or the parent portal (you may submit a same day absence, but cannot submit past absences). If you do not submit the absence in advance through the app or portal, your student will not be eligible to schedule a makeup class for that absence.
Submitted absences may not be cancelled, so please wait to submit the absence until you are certain your child will not attend. (Once you submit the absence, it creates an opening for a makeup to be scheduled by another student. We cannot have an absence canceled or it will cause us to have too many students in a class.) Your student may not attend class on a date you have submitted an absence.
Makeup Policy
Makeup classes are offered as a courtesy, are based on availability, are not guaranteed, and are only available for absences submitted in advance. All makeup classes are scheduled through our app or the parent portal. A scheduled makeup may be canceled up to one day in advance. If your student does not attend a scheduled makeup class, they are marked as a no show and the makeup class is forfeited.
Makeups do not expire unless you drop the class (must be used while you are actively enrolled in classes). Makeups are not valid if a student is not enrolled and may not be used to extend enrollment. If you choose to suspend your enrollment, you forfeit any available makeup classes. Neither refunds nor credits will be given for missed classes.
Makeup classes cannot be scheduled before the scheduled absence occurs (once the scheduled date has passed, the absence is marked eligible for a makeup). A maximum of two makeups may be scheduled at one time and may be scheduled up to 4 weeks in the future. Makeups can be scheduled through the app or portal up to 4 hours in advance of the class start time.
An Open Gym pass may be exchanged in place of a makeup class (the absence still needs to be submitted in advance to show there is an eligible makeup class available to complete the exchange). Passes must be requested in advance for Friday Night Open Gym (they cannot be requested upon arrival – please call the office or leave a voicemail message by 5pm on Friday to have passes waiting for you).
Gym Rules
Gymnastics is a sport, and therefore can be dangerous. To avoid unnecessary injury, we must maintain control of each child during class by enforcing the rules of the gym.
Parents are welcome to watch classes from the viewing area. Please refrain from talking to your child during class. With the exception of our Parent Tot classes, parents are not permitted to enter the class area.
• Students are not permitted in the gym area without an instructor at any time.
• No gymnastics outside of the gym area.
• No candy, gum or drinks in the gym area.
• No running in any part of the building unless instructed to do so in the gym area.
• Do not use any equipment or accessories unless instructed to do so.
Rec Class Dress Code
• A one-piece leotard (no ruffles or tutus)
• T-shirt (tucked in) and shorts
• Athletic clothing that isn’t too loose fitting
• No buttons, snaps, zippers or jewelry
• Only post earrings are allowed
• Hair must be tied back (short hair clipped out of their faces)
• Bare feet
Before & After Class
Each child is the responsibility of his or her parent before and after class, in all areas of the facility. Please do not drop your child off early or pick them up late. If a situation arises where you are running late, please call the office. We will instruct your child to stay in the building until you arrive – no waiting in the parking lot.
Rec Class Enrollment & Payment Policy
Annual Membership Fee
Membership is required for all recreational class and private lesson students ($50 annually per family). The $50 annual family membership fee covers recreational classes and private lessons for all students in your household. This fee will be added to your tuition once a year based on the month in which you enroll.
Monthly Tuition
A valid credit card is required on each account. Tuition is billed on the 1st of each month to the card on file. If you wish to use another form of payment, your payment must be received before the 1st day of the month to avoid the auto-pay process. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, checks, and cash. If your credit card declines, you will be charged a $20 late fee if your account is not paid in full by the 10th of each month. Any student with an account that is past due by the 15th of the month will be dropped from class. You will also be charged for tuition fees incurred up to that date along with the late fee. Once a student is dropped from class, other students on the waitlist will be called to fill the spot.
We offer 10% off your child’s second class and 20% off your child’s third class. Siblings receive a 10% discount off monthly tuition.
Your child remains continuously enrolled with billing on the 1st of each month. If you are looking for a different class, you may transfer based on availability. Gym X-Treme reserves the right to add, cancel, or modify classes.
Suspending Enrollment
If you would like to suspend your enrollment, please fill out a form with the office by the 15th of the month to avoid being charged for the following month’s tuition. If you do not complete this form by the 15th, your child will remain enrolled and tuition fees will not be refunded.